Thursday 25 September 2014


     Last semester break, my friends and i was have a fishing trip. We decided to go to the Kenyir lake. Kenyir is is the one of the famous place at Terengganu. Kenyir Lake consists of a forest, limestone caves and fishing are the focus of the crowd. This is my first fishing trip. I am very excited and happy. But, my friends ordered me to take care my behaviors when we were there, because there maybe have other creatures inhabit the place. I just ignore all of that, I still have fun because this is my first experienced.

     When we arrived at  there, we were stunned by the beauty of nature there. A very interesting view and fresh air. After parked our car at the car park, we walked to the store row that provided services to charter a boat for fishing. They also providde a house boat. We decided to rent a houseboat for our comfortable and easy for us to sleep too.

     Once we got into the houseboat, my friend feel a bit scary and weird with the environment on the houseboat. But just only me who did not care about that feeling. For me, I just want to enjoy myself with the fishing trip and I want to released my tension. So I did not want to think about the such a thing. As we know, we go to the fishing trip to have fun and we did not know that this enjoyful and happiness will end with the creepiest memory in our life.

     When we are in the boat, the driver lead us to go through the long river for looking the good place for fishing. The river scenery is very relaxing. It makes my mind feel very peaceful at that time, and it also helps us to forget about all the burden in my head. Suddenly, when we were busy snapping pictures, one of my friends make a shock face while looking into the forest where was near with us. We asked her, what going on? What was the thing that shocked her? She cried suddenly like she had saw something terrible in the jungle. We feel something bad will happen, because we just want to started the fishing trip, but this happen so sudden. Then, we asked the boat driver to return to our houseboat.

     At night, my friends very scared about what happen at the evening. But I am the one who still do not want to think something bad or believed about ghost or something else. For me, I will believed to that kind of thing when I saw it by my self. My friend told me not to being so brave because it will give bad effect to me. At night, all my friends sleep in the one room because they very scared about the incident that happen at the evening. Just only me who was sleeping alone at the other room and thinking the plan for tomorrow. I awake at the middle night because I have to go the toilet. When I walked to tthe toilet, suddenly I feel windy came from my back, but I just ignored it. I walked slowly in half awake and when I arrived at the toilet, I saw one of my friends standing at toilet. I also ignored it, because I have an important thing to settle at the toilet.

     After I finish using the toilet, I saw my friends already gone. I am thinking that maybe she went back to the room. When i on my way to my room, I heard someone called my name with the terrible voice. I was shocked and I ran as fast a lighting to my friends. But before I reached at the room, something appeared infornt of me suddenly. I was a ghost with the terrible face, red eyes, long hair and bad smell. The ghost laugh loudly and come closer, closer and closer to me. I screaming as loud as I can.

     I am awake in the morning, I saw all my friends around me and I am  lying on the bed. As I remember, I was at the outside and how I could lying on bed like this. I asked my friend, my friend said, while they sleeping suddenly they heard someone screaming loudly from the outside. They awake and gather their courage to checked what happen. When they went to outside, they saw me lying down there. They quickly brought me into the room. One of my friends asked me, why I am lying at the outside in middle of night? I said, I have seen a ghost. All of them shocked heard that. So we decided just to end our fishing trip. We do not want any bad incident happen again.

     Now, I realized that the ghost is everywhere. I can not be very brave. I have to know and trust that other creatures also inhabit the place. What can I say, I do not what to see a ghost again. I have to end this here, good bye.

written by : 

Friday 19 September 2014

What Can I Do To Make My Country Better Place To Live?

     I live in Malaysia where is the best place in the world. Malaysia is known the world over as a multiracial country united. this country also have many beautiful place that can we visit and the most important is Malaysia have a lot type of local food. it was very delicious. I think my country is the better place to live rather than the other country.

     First of all, to make my country as better place to live, let's avoid littering rubbish everywhere as it can cause our country become worst and give negative effect to our environment. It will make us feel uncomfortable with that kind of environment. It also can give bad effect to the peoples who are living around. 

     Every country have their own rules that the community should obey to it and it same with Malaysia. I must obey all the rules in our country as it help to make our country easier in terms of management. So there is no more crime among people on our country. It also can help my country avoids from the war or  the misunderstanding between the community. It's will make Malaysia become peaceful place. I do not want my country become like the Gaza which is always faced the non-stop war. 

     Lastly, I have to refrain from doing corruption which can damage the social institution. The government has issued a stern punishment and action to the offender, but people still do it. This activity resulted in the administration of a country becomes a mess. As a result, it leads to other problems such as economic decline, neglect the interests of society and so on. Culture of corruption can destroy the administration and governance of a country.

     Just like what I said earlier, Malaysia is the best country to live. So I hope what I have in reserve will get attention and become reality. I have to pen off here, so see you in the next entry.

Written by : 
Nurul Syazwani Bt Ab Ghazak
Elnie Zulaikha Bt Baharuddin
Nur Fathin Adilla Bt Sudin

Thursday 11 September 2014


     English knowledge is the must important in our life. Nowadays,we always hear people speaking in English everywhere and anyplace. English is important because it make us easier to communicate with foreigner came from other country. This is one of benefits expert in English, the way you write,the way you hear,the way you speaking. Even now, everything use English as the most universal language. That why we must improve in English.

     There are a few ways to improve my English. For example, reading book,magazines and newspaper are good ways of improved my English. Through reading,I learned how to use correct English in writting or speaking. At the same time, I use a dictonary to look up those words that I do not know. It make reading a very enjoyable.
     The next way is, I watch English movie with the subtitle. This would be my favourite way to learn English because it is easy for me to understand. Not only that, I also will get so much fun when watching the movie. At the same time, I can learnt new words and will memorised it with write down all the meaning in a notebook. I will refer to it as often as possible so that the new words will stick in my head.

     At college,English is just used when there is English lesson. That certainly is not enough, so wherever possible I  speak English with my friend or with my lecturer who will or can speak English with me. Do not be afraid to speak English. If we never learn to take risks to open mouths, it will be impossible to improve speaking skill. As everybody say, there's no use to afraid before trying.

     In a nut shell, English is our second language and as a student, English is very important language to learn. There are many ways to improve English. It is just depends on our effort to achieve it and we must remember that practice make perfect.

Written By : Nur Fathin Adilla Binti Sudin

Thursday 4 September 2014

Paris, The City of Romance

     Paris is one of the famous and beautiful country in the world. Every couple wish to been there because Paris is a city of love and very romantic place to live. People from all over the world willing to travel far just for have an experience been in Paris.  The place is located in France and the fact is from Paris, I can rapidly arrive to London, Rome Amsterdam and etc.

     I choose want to live in Paris because it have a few things that will be compared with my hobby. For example, France is one of the most place that famous with fashion and music. I love music very much. For me, I love place that have a beautiful scenery. My friends has told me before, that Paris is the city of light because it has an amazing scenery during night. At night Paris will glow with light. It is lively at night. 

     The most important about Paris is, I always imagine about the building that people talk nowadays. For example, the Eiffel Tower. It is the place that I seriously want to go. Because it is the most beautiful and wonderful place in the world. Before this, I expect that I can get reach to the top of the tower. And I always imagine what kind of feeling that I will feel when I reach at the top of that tower. It will be a precious moment in my life that I will never forget. 

    Besides that, Paris is the best place that always be in my dream. My best friend and I, Fathin, make this promise that 6 or 8 years from now, we will be there after both of us get married soon. Its sound like so funny, but that is what we really wanted to get it. It is not important what others are talking about, if we really wanted something it is not impossible to achieve it. 

    But  for now, better for me to keep this as my own special dream. And I hope that one day I will get to live in Paris with lovely family and beloved one.

written by : Elnie Zulaikha Bt Baharuddin